Self Managed Superannuation

Self Managed Superannuation

SMSFs are one of the fastest growing sectors of the Australian super industry. SMSFs give people full control of their own super fund, including all the legal and tax responsibilities associated with doing this. Our team at Smart Accounting can help set-up your SMSF and assist you in meeting your obligations as the SMSF Trustee.

We can assist you with: 

  • SMSF establishment including assistance and provision of Trust Deed, Product Disclosure Statements, Consents to Act for individual trustees or corporate trustee directors, Minutes to setup the Fund, Application for membership, Beneficiary and TFN notices, Applications for ABN and TFN, and registration papers for GST purposes (as required).
  • Strategic superannuation planning towards your individual financial circumstances, including setting long-term goals.
  • Preparation of financial statements and annual audit, as required under legislation.
  • Preparation of tax returns at maximising your potential return or minimising your payment.
  • Auditing your SMSF

For information about SMSFs please contact us at [trading-name]  on 1900 000 123.